Helping You

Make Sense of You

Travis Stewart Counseling & Coaching

Personal & Practical Coaching and Counseling

Life can be confusing! Things happen to us that don’t make sense and leave us confused, angry, or lost. Sometimes our own behaviors add to the feelings of chaos and confusion.

To make sense of yourself and the world, sometimes you need the perspective offered by someone else.

As a therapist and coach, I will seek to understand you and what has you feeling stuck so that I can offer encouragement as you change unhelpful behaviors.

While I do offer practical help, I don’t provide simple answers. I believe growth is a process of trying, failing, breaking, stumbling, trusting, and moving forward with others. If we do this faithfully, we will see our struggles redeemed into something beautiful.

Because choosing a coach or therapist feels so personal, I’m happy to talk with you over the phone so that I can answer any questions you have. If you feel comfortable, we will then set up your first appointment.



Counseling & Coaching

Are you struggling with compulsive behaviors like eating disorders and video game addiction? Since 2003, I have been working as a professional counselor and coach, helping individuals find freedom.

Speaking & Teaching

Do you need a speaker for an upcoming event for your organization? I will work with you to identify the needs of your audience and how we can partner together to meet them.

Areas of Specialty

Counseling for Eating Disorders

Are you seeking help to reclaim your relationship with food and your body? I’ve specialized in treating eating disorders since 2003 and will help you take steps toward make sense of your behaviors and feel normal again.

Internet & Game Addiction Therapy

Screens are everywhere. The internet is more integral to so many parts of our lives. Video games are more immersive. And more people are becoming addicted to their phones, the internet, and video games.

Counseling for Compulsive Shopping

Have you called yourself a “shopaholic”, found yourself in financial distress, or run out of room to store all of your purchases? You may have a problem with compulsive shopping. Learn more about our unique approach to freedom.

Christian Counseling

Is faith a central part of your life, but your find yourself stuck, confused, or angry with God? I’ve been there and will use the combination of my counseling and theological education to take the next steps in your spiritual journey.


Travis is an excellent and compassionate clinician. He has dealt with difficult family and individual situations with adolescents and young adults caught in the devastating cycle of eating disorder behaviors.

Jan Hamilton

Doorways Counseling and Psychiatric Services

Travis is uniquely gifted to help and cultivate growth in others and he deeply cares about people. Travis’ creativity and ability to consistently operate with integrity, dependability, and trustworthiness has contributed to being respected and sought out amongst his colleagues. He has my highest recommendation.

Riley Nickols, PhD, CEDS

Counseling & Sport Psychologist

In working with Travis I have seen him facilitate the highest quality work with clients. He has the ability to balance empathy with gentle confrontation. He is an excellent eating disorder professional.

Sam Lample

Thrive Counseling


Making Good Decisions

Making Good Decisions

My wife and I are in the process of deciding whether to buy the house that we currently renting or find another one. We’ve gone for a walk nearly every evening over the past two weeks and discussed some of the following factors in our decision: What is the value of...

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Phone, Internet and Video Game Addiction

Phone, Internet and Video Game Addiction

Spending time with our digital devices is an increasingly common part of life. But how long can you go without checking your phone for new emails or text messages? Do you lose track of time when playing video games? Do you feel compelled to check your social media first thing in the morning and then constantly throughout the day?

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Struggling with Urges? is a resource developed to help those struggling with compulsive urges. Based on the idea of rewiring the brain, the 5 steps of URGE911 will help you manage urges and change your brain.

Reflective Prayer

Offering experiences for a number of issues such as eating disorders, and anxiety. is a guided prayer experience for those who want to incorporate their Christian faith into their mental health.

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